The market goes through different phases: growth, decline, accumulation. Each phase favors a specific trading approach.
We set out to create an index of strategies that profit in different phases.
Thus, OWL was born – a super-index.
OWL stands for Optimal Win-Loss.
OWL includes trend-following, counter-trend, and quantum strategies. The key is for them to diversify and support each other, working together as a team.
What does a counter-trend strategy fear? It trades long only. The only threat is a relentless dump. Here, the trend-follower comes in, trading both directions and turning the dump into profit. And what does the trend-follower fear? A wide-ranging flat market. In this case, the counter-trend strategy will make money.
A setup that is unprofitable for one strategy is profitable for another, and vice versa. OWL exploits these patterns.
The crowning jewel of this system is the neural network. It handles the optimization of Win-Loss, machine learning, and many creative, non-obvious tasks!
We diversify everything that can be diversified. After that, we move on to finding balance. While diversification is a technical matter, balancing the components is a creative one; it’s almost an art.
At EDVI trade, we practice this art.
Join OWL on the Main page of our website.